In recent years, the concept of neurodiversity has gained recognition, advocating for the acceptance and celebration of neurological differences among individuals. But what does neurodiversity actually mean, and how does it impact various aspects of life, including processing information and work environments?What is Neurodiversity?Neurodiversity is a concept that acknowledges and respects the natural variation in neurological functioning among individuals. It emphasizes the idea that neurological differences, such as those associated with autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and other conditions, are a normal part of human diversity, rather than deviations from the norm.Processing Information:One of the key aspects of neurodiversity is how individuals...

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Welcome to the Self-Love and Fitness® version of a Protein Needs Calculator! The recommended daily amount of protein is 0.8 g per kilogram (kg) of bodyweight which is suboptimal... so we needed to do something about it. This is a redone version of conventional recommendations (with higher multipliers) and can work for those with no pre-existing kidney issues. This will naturally result in high amounts of protein daily than other macronutrient calculators. Notes: ✨To convert pounds (lbs - pounds) to kilograms (kg), divide the total value by 2.2. ✨To convert feet to (cm) centimetres (for height), multiply the total value (even...

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Humans may have a need for socialization and I agree, but we have to choose wisely who we share that need with because there is nothing worse than bad company. You have an obligation out of self-respect to choose your friends wisely because people who don't care where they're headed in life are not going to respect your time or energy, worse, they're going to act entitled to your short attention span while bringing nothing to the table but stress. For the flakes... It's only fair to be inconsistent with flakes who have been inconsistent with you, I'm not going...

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A business is a personal asset ... it doesn't matter how small or bigger business is, if you have an idea, do it on the side. But... I would also like to make a public service announcement that I never started my business in order to quit my craft, I am looking to keep both (I did it for fun, but the paid version of fun - as in, it's fun, but I expect revenue). Overall, it's not my problem if others do this and move like this, I know that I require a baseline of stability to for my...

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