

No one is inherently owed a place in your life because relationships should be built on mutual respect, understanding, and voluntary engagement. While gratitude is natural when someone supports you, it should not be mistaken for indebtedness or obligation (or entitlement over you). Genuine connections thrive on authenticity and emotional reciprocity rather than on a sense of entitlement or expectation.

When individuals act in ways that cause you to want to disconnect from them, it can be a sign of boundary violation, toxicity, or incompatible values. In such cases, prioritizing your well-being and emotional health is paramount.

It's essential to recognize that you have the agency to choose whom you allow into your life and whom you distance yourself from, based on your own standards and boundaries.

Ultimately, maintaining healthy relationships involves fostering connections with those who uplift and support you without conditions or expectations. It's about surrounding yourself with people who genuinely value your well-being and contribute positively to your life, while also respecting your autonomy (free will) and boundaries.