Online personality or not: I do not owe anyone an automatic place in my private life as it is my choice and we are called to guard our hearts, my boundaries will not be mocked. I still am a person with privacy rights and free will.   

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The business model that you're able to afford running with your mental capacity and resource limitations, whatever those may be, disability or not, is more than enough for the right people and you don't need anybody in your life that doesn't respect your need for efficiency. I don't even move my insomnia buffers for people I actually like, much less haters of healthy boundaries. Your method of "showing up" and the limits of your availability (content and the digital products themselves) will be respected by those meant to resonate with you. Switching your brain off as-needed is self-respect and being...

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In a world where individualism and self-expression are celebrated, one might assume that people who mind their own business would be left alone. However, paradoxically, those who are allowed to be obnoxious often find themselves bothered by individuals who simply keep to themselves. It's as if the mere presence of someone who doesn't feel pressured to fit in with just anybody or people who don't give them good vibes (just based on proximity or convenience) challenges their worldview (instead of just being comfortable enough in their own skin to live and let live - like any mentally mature person would).The...

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In a world where joy, wellness, and passion seem like scarce commodities, it's crucial to remember one fundamental truth: there's more than enough to go around for everyone. Yet, there are individuals who, driven by envy and insecurity, attempt to sabotage the happiness of others, convinced that happiness is a finite resource. They are in competition-mode and think that if others have happiness, it takes away from their own which is also showing some level of lack of mental boundaries!The reality is quite the opposite. The happiness and wellness of one person do not diminish the potential for others to...

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A stable foundation is much more mature, and it also means you can make better business decisions on the side because you're not desperate to take the wrong deals. You getting out of your comfort zone doesn't mean uprooting your life for no reason. You can play with your side ventures instead of playing with your foundation and grow that way. It's not very popular to promote the concept of sustainability, but I don't care.  A stable foundation seems unpopular in the "comfort zones are evil" mentality era, but how do you expect to achieve long-term goals without a sustainable base?...

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