Your Circle = Your Choice

Your Circle = Your Choice

Your mental health and obligations are more important than the filters/how others "view" you.

You are under no obligation to share yourself with anyone you do not wish to.

Never let anyone convince you otherwise.

People should only share from overflow only or of themselves if it's *mutually* uplifting. When you did it on your own, but there's people who try to piggyback off of you or latch onto you like you're some sort of host for these human parasites, I don't think so.

Quality personal relationships take time and heart - so an intelligent person is going to invest very wisely for the long haul, not just to be used for this or that as if time was disposable?

It's not because relationships aren't linear and so on, it's literal self-respect and being aware of how many friends I can actually maintain (and I use community and social circle interchangeably).

I am actually rather disgusted that anyone would expect me to indiscriminately allow just anybody into my life just because they want or desire to be in my life, that's absolutely not enough. I don't even have that kind of time to begin with.

There are plenty of cheerful, bubbly individuals who are actually manipulators, often going out of their way to bring others down behind the scenes and they use their persona to conceal it. On the other hand, there are genuinely kind people who may be more reserved but would never intentionally harm others; in fact, they often defend people when they're not around. This is one of the reasons I don't tolerate superficiality. Many seemingly nice people may appear warm and welcoming, but they can be deceptive.

Authentic people don’t play a persona, if they’re tired - they’re tired. If they are busy - they show it, it’s basic humanity, but you’ll never see them start a hate train against those with different mental wiring or those who refused unwanted connections in their home space.

Truly kind people may not wear a constant smile or engage with everyone due to lack of energy and because they embrace their humanity (some are private, busy with a life, and tired), but they are authentic and would never undermine others in secret and they defend the vulnerable without incentive.

Kind is a heart placement and the kind of values someone has, nice is an outgoing persona with no boundaries as to who they share their energy with, but a lot of those people are gossips, and will cross you in an instant if it suits their agenda. They can also be liars, haters, and backstabbers.

Not every nice person is a backstabbing gossip, but I'm just saying that the mask someone wears on the outside is not a true reflection of their heart space. Kind people don't go around harming others or bothering them to suit their agenda, but nice people may have two faces.


A small circle also protects me from the haters who send their dumb little minions to try to provoke me on their behalf.

It also stops me from aimlessly seeking to build anything with fake people who bring nothing but "taking" to the table, all while telling me that I didn't try enough? These people will try to make you explode to make you look crazy and never be satisfied with your love language (this doesn't just happen in business, it happens in one's personal life if you let it and it's based on pure envy and projection). 

The idea that anyone is entitled to the time, energy, and attention of another person without even bringing positivity or encouragement to the table or that someone owes you something just because they possess it is absolutely false. Energy vampire low-vibrational bullshid.

I love my own company too much to settle for the wrong circle. It's not a lack of trust, it's having standards and self-trust! Everyone is curated.

You belong to yourself.

Your time is your own.

You do not owe yourself to anyone who isn't actually from your household with a real basis for obligation.

You can't "make time" that you don't have. That doesn't make any sense (if the person is as good of a person as they claim, they'll respect that).

You owe doing no harm and bothering no one, but in terms of forceful connections, that over-rides your autonomy to choose who you allow into your life and such people are usually parasites (you give an inch, they take a mile).

Convenience (or proximity) doesn't dictate my circle, spiritual connection plays a part and sometimes:

I JUST DO NOT HAVE SPARE TIME AND ENERGY.  The more I heal, the more I respect my energy. I conserve it for what I choose to spend it on, I won't be annihilated or hijacked by how other people achieve happiness as I know what I want.

I don't know if I'm the only one, but I just feel like too many friends takes too much time and at this point in my life I just don't have the energy and there's nothing wrong with having a small circle especially if you're able to nurture everyone in it properly. It's a matter of basic schedule logistics and being responsible for your baseline obligations and the conditions to your unique mental health.

Even without a disability, people have on average 3 hours per day for their personal lives in the evening and then 2 days off per week. I do not see the appeal of a massive social circle at all. It sounds unsustainable.

Everyone has different bandwidth limits. I don't care if not everyone grasps the limits of living with a disability, but no one is about to make my life more difficult for their gain. 👏

You're not missing out on anything by having a spam filter. It means you actually value yourself because you're protecting yourself and that's actually intelligent.

Discernment is not paranoia, and why would you need that many friends anyway? Self-reliant and self-motivated people are not that desperate.

And anyone who tries to be sneaky and manipulative about your lack of time is telling you in no clearer terms that they do not care about your personal obligation towards your basic wellness requirements. That's not someone you want future dealings with.  

I don't tolerate gym or home-time intruders, for instance. ⛔️

It is absolutely a choice... I rather have fewer higher quality people of my own choosing that are for life than through fleeting circumstances as I don't invest in users (temporary people, fakes who want to suck up my energy, and fleeting situations out of convenience but nothing genuine).

Naturally, people who respect autonomy and independence last longer in my circle than those looking for puppets. In choice-based circles aka within our own lives, we have the final say in who is in our circle.

You will never be dragged down by people who have a purpose, goals, and hobbies. While their situation is unfortunate, you choose how you spend your time and protecting your wellbeing from those looking to latch on (with no personal responsibility) at your expense is critical.

I think we need to be clear that a friend who has a heart for you will want your well-being even if it means you're less available or not available to them. They would never ask you to sacrifice your oxygen supply (vice versa). They would encourage you to do what is best for you (mutually so).

I value lifelong depth in connections, which is why I keep fewer.

Over-exertion of limited mental energy for a social connection that's not even your dependent makes absolutely no sense to me because my relationship with myself (lifelong) and my disability (nutrition, exercise, sleep) trumps anyone who wants more from me than what is logistically possible.

Ties of the heart win as they're not geographically dependent (spiritual connections, not fake ones).

A "friend" is mutual care for wellness, not added stress, chaos, or taking up your precious time for mental recharging during a segment of your life that is deemed private. 👏👏👏

I deserve supportive genuine people in my life, I am a person with a disability and multiple lanes, go find your free advice (when this is their only reason for befriending you) and discounts elsewhere, I will not be disrespected, robbed of my limited work hours, and used. I help more than enough humanity-wide with content and charity work.

We also choose which segments of our lives we deem to be quiet time vs. social time and introverts need more quiet. 

Discernment is a GIFT. Who wants to be drained over and over?

We finally learn our lesson and thankfully, for me, it happened quickly.

Just from a logical mathematical budget standpoint: you can like a topic/person/situation and not have time for it, and what's not going to be cut into is mental health recovery time for anything that isn't an actual in-house obligation, I won't apologize for my survival. I don't like intrusion and pushiness whether it is overt or covert.

Neurodiversity means understanding that everyone recharges differently and everyone has a different level of "social" battery energy available. 👏

We don't live in tribes anymore... 

Needing less interaction doesn't mean we hate people, it means we have a different way to balance our nervous system (in peace and quiet) and we choose who to socialize with and when.

I don't mind my authenticity being misunderstood, it weeds out the wrong people, which is a blessing.


Due to having to cram my life into 6 days a week rather than 7 due to ADHD crash day which keeps me burnout free due to insomnia, I am unable to be everywhere and I no longer make apologies for managing my health/disability. 💯

Healthy friendships and relationships should never overwhelm your schedule or add unnecessary stress. They certainly shouldn't feel like additional labour.

Those who demand more from you, even when you're dealing with a disability, are exploiting you, which is truly appalling.

Anyone who infringes on your time for self-care is essentially acting like a leech. Be cautious of these parasitic individuals. While connections can offer support and resources, they shouldn’t come with heavy demands.

True friends ease your life, not complicate it, and they shouldn't be anxiety-inducing leeches.

People who are confident and comfortable in who they are and in their own skin are not going to be bothered in the slightest by the different lifestyles and boundaries of others.

I count my close friends on one hand and that's where I am at, I am cocooning after having my identity stolen and being hacked from every angle (my phone, socials, store, computer).

I do not trust easily and I do not care what anyone wants to say about it, I am who I am.

My happiness comes from within, so it's harder for me to justify un-necessary self-sacrifice for people who bring nothing to the table, and anyone who tries to bully their way into my life - especially during zones of privacy (home and gym, big no no, just not meant to be in that case, move along).

Protect your energy and your light with a ring of fire to repel the moths so they do not dare bother your peace.

The kinds of people who feel like their well-meaning bullshit is an excuse for you to allow your time to be wasted, you don’t owe entertainment to unwanted fake connections who have an agenda. To be clear, discernment is not paranoia or trust issues.

For those who do have trust issues, keep not trusting comfort-zone haters as they're being pushy for a reason so do not allow anyone to mess you up out of your mental writing, the right people won't try to change you to suit them (it's like trying to make you a better punching bag, instead of stopping the bullshit at the onset, that's on twisted people).

Self-improvement is your decision, but not because weak-minded people believe your values and ways of living are too different. If you're harming no one, you're free to be your unique self as some norms are outdated and I don't care for massive circles at all, unlike before when I had no sense of self and took orders from arbitrary external markers of success.

The wrong people revel in kicking others when down and expect you to come back for a round two, those types fake caring so they can bleed you dry. 

Energy vampires destroy energy. The right people add to your life, they don’t drain you…

Live and let live. I get to choose who I allow in my private life, period. I am also not paying for amenities to have my quiet time ambushed, beyond social graces: I really owe nothing to forceful people especially, I won't have my free will hijacked and be robbed of my quality time to show up for myself first so that when I show up for family and work, I am not drained.

I am not a clown-entertainer to energy vampires, I am worthy of replenishment and equal reciprocity unless they're my child or dependent. People who hate their lives will try to destroy yours via subtle and hard to detect strategies concealed as concern.

Low-value high-entitlement people will distract you from the health practices you hold dear. They don't manage your health or pay your bills or ensure your baseline brain functioning, so their validation is not only purposeless, they bring nothing to the table but distraction.

Working with a disability naturally requires more recovery methods that are unique to our wiring, but to me, personal autonomy beats reliance on other people or outdated systems that cause disabled people to settle for crumbs. As long as time is carved out, I am good. Small circles are logically smarter.

I owe myself preservation and protection, this begins with choosing my community and circle based on my values, and not the ones who seek to annihilate personal choice and freedom.

Respecting that we can't know everyone, can't do everything, can't solve every problem is key rather than hating the reality of it. No is "on" mentally 24/7. At least not me!

I came home to myself when I realized my sense of peace in life is more important than anything else and that when you have the belonging within yourself, you are much more discerning with your circle or community of choice.

Existing as part of the Collective and Oneness does not mean we do not have basic rights to choices and our own boundaries, it is incentive to not harm and hate and love all is an energetic command - it doesn't mean we owe our time. We are not an extension of anyone else's agenda.

Self-centered is choosing to make someone else's life mean something about you or imposing your values on them when their own truth harms no one. People can be busy, doesn't mean acting "better than" - leave it to ignorance to actually judge those of us who keep working despite severe health conditions for not having spare time.

If they don't respect your constraints, they don't care about you and they're a taker aka energy vampire as pushy people have agendas, point blank period. They'll try to sell you on concepts to back you into a corner of accepting their forceful way into your life, but when you value your peace above all else: they've picked the wrong one to play with.

When you have projects that move your life forward, you can't have too many distractions so you curate your life.

Those who are bothered by your time limitations are quite literally saying that they don't mind if you neglect your responsibilities to benefit them, which is the very definition of unhealthy. Especially people that you just met. Anyone forceful has an agenda, period.

Your right to choices is exercised via boundaries and only those who have an issue with your free will would have a problem with your unique self-expression and agency over how you manage your time, space, and energy. Some believe they "own" others, that's not your problem.

I don't expect people who don't live with a severe life-limiting disability to comprehend the appeal of a small circle or the sheer amount of investment that goes into health maintenance/traffic control methods just to function. I do expect them to not get in the way. 

If someone you barely know is already trying to force their way into your life, they are certainly not a source of peace. Instead, they bring chaos and try to make you second-guess your self-care routine—or even disrupt it. Who needs connections like that? They're just takers.

I find it hard to comprehend why anyone who doesn't contribute to my life or pay my bills feels entitled to force their way in.

Do they actually believe they would take priority over my relationship with my health? Please get a grip on reality!

While continuing to work multiple lanes can seem like a "sacrifice" with a time-consuming health condition that requires a weekly crash/sleep catch-up day (even if I sleep well, I have always needed this), that's a good thing as the trade-off's bring greater rewards.  


zero nonsense tolerance = small circle

my motivation and drive comes from within so if it's not uplifting and encouraging me, if it's not bringing me any peace, there's no use, many people are looking to take, drain, create more work for you: no, i labour enough no need for more and no need for one-sided time-draining takers and leeches


People with strict schedules and time restraints don't mix well with too many people and as I get older, I accept that. It's logistically impossible to know everyone and that's to be accepted. Being busy isn't "better than" - it's simply part of life.

Forcing is an auto-repellant for me as I don't care to "connect" with anyone who undermines my free will even by a hair.

You do not "miss out" when you recharge mental energy with guard-rails around that time when you are aware of your wiring: you "align" so you can pour into your real commitments correctly and with full presence: this may seem guarded, but it is how we ensure not running on empty.

As for the monitoring spirits: 

I would say that it's best to fabricate at this point because I don't talk to just anybody about just anything in real life. I don't have to be an open book. I don't owe anybody my privacy just because I have an online profile.

I want to make it abundantly clear that my personal circle is a personal choice and no amount of proximity or convenience is going to dictate who I let into my life. Do not try forcing it with me. I dislike intrusive people who waste my time and try to steamroll my free will.

No one who values you will hinder your need for quiet time for your unique mental wiring/pretend they don't already know you guard some segments of your life or try to impose their values on you when it doesn't fit your unique medical disability needs, careful with your circle.

Nothing coerced or forced or coerced is well-meaning. Hidden agendas always get exposed.

Leaving behind fake and one-sided draining connections has helped me build a life of pure bliss and peace so I choose quality over quantity. I also don't have time for everyone and everything and I make no apologies for my disability-related time constraints. Those who expect you to have time for everyone or everything need to keep their delusions to themselves because that's unrealistic and again we should not apologize for having a busy schedule. Those kinds of people put undue pressure on others and they are the ones who are selfish because they're trying to impose and take.

In this post, I am referring to personal friendships and my personal life, I'm not referring to business associates and business relationships (that are built during business hours strictly because my wellness is what my personal time is reserved for - those without severe disabilities don't have to understand that concept).  

You become selective when you don't need anyone outside of you to validate your existence. And when you have a time limiting disability to manage on top of multiple jobs.

A lot of people try to put the labels on people like “friends” prematurely so they can be easier to take advantage of. When you have standards, you repel human parasites. People who want to eat your harvest without doing the work or want your time without bringing you peace: no.

I wasn't put on this planet to breach my boundaries, my standards, and carry one-sided people on my back while they bring nothing but draining me to the table.

I will also not tolerate fakers who try to impose themselves on me as if that was "kind" when eroding free will and basic autonomy is disrespectful, sleazy, and a little haterish as genuine people don't try to over-ride boundaries or view/paint boundaries in a negative light and they won't be caught trying to get in your way or make your daily life more difficult (true kindness respects cues and doesn't impose).

People who go into something trying to use someone else don't realize that they actually have to be of value and bring something to the table - at least uplifting energy? These bloodsuckers think that they're entitled to people's energy, attention, and time and they are wrong.

Imagine trying to force yourself onto the life of someone that has a multiple roles and a disability and try to make demands within five minutes of meeting them while you have nothing to offer but clearly being a labour-intensive "connection" I can absolutely live without?

Those types will try to force themselves onto others all because they want something, but it's just to be an energy vampire and they have no regard for your time, energy, and attention. But you're the "cold" one for having boundaries and a strict schedule? Not user-friendly.

I work enough already, and I'm not looking for people in my life who are creating more work for me in any way, shape, or form which makes me "not a good target" for moochers and leeches. If my brand deals are equally reciprocal, it is the same expectation in my personal life.

They want to siphon your motivation, but are they inspiring you? They want to latch onto others, but not do the inner work?

Not needing to be "out" 24/7 isn't a character defect, you can be healthy and happy while absolutely loving a tiny small circle and loving reading, studying, and working multiple lanes: life is better for those who mind their business.

Wanting more from life, whether that's health or getting better in your sport is going to make you make sure that you don't have your time wasted and one way to do so is to be careful who you let around you. A lot of people just want to be entertained and want to drain you, but give you nothing - not even good energy as they're not looking to grow in any manner, they're not doing sh*t so they don't even value their own time.

I am not a clown or a host for any leech, I expect to be motivated as much as I do any motivating.

I will take any label before I take anyone in my life who does not value my time (mutual respect).

What I liked about Forbes and Adobe is that their method of work was in alignment with mine and worked perfectly alongside my main lane without me having to make any adjustments to the deal. That's the alignment I'm also looking in my personal life, beyond minor explanations: no. 

People may share resources from a place of overflow within a reason when mutually feasible, but it's not someone else's job to get anybody where they need to be. It's their own job and that's why I don't mix with people who are not self-motivated in my own circle. It's just not a vibe.

You don't have to feel bad for not allowing the wrong people to feed off of your energy because they should be bringing something to the table as well. Otherwise, who is replenishing your energy? How is that an equal exchange? Absolutely no draining allowed in my world.

Oh, it's not about "things" in common. It's about values in common and being headed in similar directions in life and obviously, whether or not they are self-motivated because I'm not a host for anyone who isn't naturally self-driven. I am not going to be slowed down and dragged down for people who can't even be resourceful with the basics.

The same mindset matters and emotional connection matters, but to be expected to be a host for a leech who can't use their own brain? At that point, I charge for consulting! I am not looking for a consulting job - friendships should be mutual mindsets, inspiration, and mutual motivation, not being slowed down and given additional work in disguise for constant business or fitness advice that drags me back into "work" mode on my unpaid time off, for instance. No thanks! I have a focus issue and I don't tolerate pollution on my time to disconnect.

I am not desperate for anyone's good opinion or acceptance. I don't mess with labour-intensive connections. Go find someone else to use though. If you don't know how to do something, Google it.

The knowledge I do share is either on my blog or packaged up in a digital product. I expect my energy replenished in the form of currency. I don't spend my time entertaining parasites when I should be creating products for those who willing to pay for them. 

I also don't really care what's going to "pay off later" or anything like that when it comes to people toying with the concept of connections to use others for their personal gain and destroy their time in the process, I don't work or live for speculative ROI, I manage my time and energy budget accordingly to a severe disability, which is why I don't have the time or energy for just anybody.

It's not about "things" in common. It's values.

Superficial aesthetics and "things" in common are not enough because if they're users - your morals are not aligned! Using people under any guise is poor treatment. Having boundaries is self-protection, not poor treatment, but users will twist the narrative to manipulate you to take on more than your fair share, while not pulling their weight in the two-way street equation. 

Your circle should have the same mindset as you - if they don't, you're going to be dragged down by those who need a "motivator" or "teacher" while you get slowed down and feel used. Self-driven people don't play like that.

We are not looking for labour-intensive things on our very rare time off (mental switch-off) so we are very careful we spend that time with. I don't go anywhere near anyone who tries to use me for free consulting at the expense of my "brain shut off time" with a severe disability. I find that super sneaky. 

I don’t have spare time as it is, with only six days to live instead of seven due to an all-day ADHD crash. So, why would I waste my time on superficial, fake friendships? I seek loyalty and depth, and I don’t invest my heart in anything that lacks authenticity.

Unless it's a long-term investment, I expect energetic ROI from the jump for both parties. That's why I'm not going to be easy to manipulate by fake friends or intruders. I only want dealings with pure hearts and people who would never dare to use others or try push them around for their agenda. And people who are upfront.

Not everyone understands the expectation of reciprocity at least energetically in personal friendships and I am getting too old to explain this - I don't mind people thinking that I think I'm "better than" because I'm selective, I'd rather be judged than waste my time.

Some people only reach out to their friends when they need something, but they'll never check up on you regularly and those also the types of people that I stay away from. 

Some people only want you to nurse them back to health if they're going through a break up, but they will drop you right after. Those people are not your friends.   

I could go on and on about the different categories of users, manipulators, and leeches, but I will leave it at that.  

Self-abandonment is neglecting your own needs in favour of others, especially when it comes to things only you can do for yourself. A true friend would never encourage you to prioritise them over yourself, because they can't sleep, eat well, or exercise on your behalf. If you need a certain amount of quiet time to function and recharge, they should respect that, even if it means you don’t have time for everyone.

 A genuine person wouldn’t try to force their way into your life under the guise of "we’re happier in groups," especially when it’s clear that the gym is a space where you go to relax and recharge - it's actually quiet time for many people and it's just a matter of reading the room and going to group classes if you're looking for social time.

Some being happier in community doesn't mean that we don't get to decide who that is and where that is and that we don't get to let it happen naturally, and that we are going to tolerate people forcing their way into our lives like if we are supposed to accept that type of intrusion with a smile. I'm actually very happy with the very small circle of carefully chosen people. I happen to be happier with a smaller circle than most so not every piece of conventional wisdom applies to introverted people who may be outgoing, but are still very introverted. 

I also discussed my ADHD with actual experts and not random people who think that they're a doctor. Telling me to go on mushrooms or drink wheatgrass? I can't.

I don't have the energy or the logistics for a massive so-called community. I'm happy with a small circle. We don't live in tribes anymore because it's 2024 and we don't need too many people, we need high-quality.

I am not going to let anybody run up in my life and tell me who I am. That's wasted time I'm never going to get back.

That’s not someone being genuine—it’s someone being a user. They're attempting to push their way in after you've already said you're busy, which is quite off-putting and demonstrates control issues. This is the kind of person that promotes self-sacrifice and blindly following the values of others at your own expense and does not care about your well-being and is invalidating your mental wiring, which is quite disgusting and not something I tolerate with a severe disability and no time to waste.

Some may view this as self-centered, but they misunderstand the term. Being self-centered means placing yourself at the centre of others' lives, expecting them to prioritise you over their own responsibilities, and disregarding their limits on time and energy. Self-sacrifice is neither noble nor an authentic way to connect with the right people, and you have the right to say no, even when intentions are good.

Me agreeing that we are happier in communities when I'm actually an introvert is false and that would be betraying my actual needs for a lot of quiet time and a very small circle. 

And even if that were true, we get to decide who what where when. My schedule doesn't stop running on time because someone tries to impose themselves on me.

Here's something everyone should know about me: I trust my intuition and the Holy Spirit when it comes to deciding who I allow into my life. So don’t come to me telling me about a community, group, or what supposedly makes us happier. We’re not happier with anything we didn’t choose for ourselves. I don’t need fake friendships wasting my time. If we don’t resonate, that’s fine—I’m happy by myself, with a small circle of trusted people and a few family members. Just because others thrive in large groups or communities doesn’t mean I do. I’m highly self-reliant, and in 2024, we don’t need tribes like we used to. I rely on myself for motivation and don’t need many people around me.

I won’t let anyone piggyback on me and drag me down. If I’m progressing in my sports, business, or any other area, I’m not going to slow down for someone who’s trying to latch on instead of putting in the effort themselves like I did. I need people in my life who motivate me, not hold me back. I need to be replenished and motivated for a change. I'm not doing all of the work in any relationship.

There are some haters disguised as friends that will watch you do all of the work in the relationship and still say that you're not good at building relationships, it's quite wild and fake. It's a way for them to get more out of you. 

Poor treatment is when someone is trying to use someone else instead of actually respecting them for who they are. I prefer depth rather than shallowness, which is why I don't thrive in large communities at all, I thrive in a very small circle.

Some people are not looking for connections, they are looking for people to use, and they want to use the title of connection or friend to justify their encroachment and their siphoning of your energy. My energy is currency and I don't just sprinkle it on everybody thoughtlessly. I don't want anything tangible in return necessarily, but I do expect my energy recharged and replenished and so I can't be friends with people who drain my energy. 

I can't be around people who don't motivate me or have nothing to teach me for a change. I'm not doing all the teaching anymore. If you're wasting your energy on things you don't need, you're not going to have any energy for the things you do need! Be cautious of people who don’t uplift or motivate you, yet feel entitled to your hard-earned knowledge and wisdom without bringing any positive energy or value (let alone the fact that genuine people ask for pricing and connecting with prospects isn't through free consulting when you have ADHD and do not work 1:1, period). You don't owe them anything just because you’ve achieved something. There's no need to apologize for the mental strength you've built, especially to those who are takers without ever offering anything in return. I refuse to dim my light for people I don’t connect with or share values with, especially those who only seek to use me. They have no problem taking and leaving me drained, without offering encouragement or support—even though that's a basic expectation. Why should I be responsible for uplifting others who give nothing back? It's like a highly driven person constantly helping delinquent people with no benefit to themselves (not even positive energy), knowing they'll never receive anything in return. It’s a waste of time and resources that could be better spent on something more positive and productive.


Not having to deal with one-sided sabotaging jealous and fake and flaky people who think I have unlimited time at their convenience has made my life extremely peaceful and frankly, I don't bother with a lot of people for these reasons. A lot of sick people will try to get close to you despite disliking you so that they can find exactly where to hit you and hit you where it hurts and I can expand on this in a future blog post but trust me when I say, someone offering me a friendship it doesn't mean I have to accept it and the fact that anybody believes I have unlimited time for everybody is already insulting my intelligence.

Please stay away from people with multiple jobs and a severe disability who only have six days a week instead of seven to live their lives if you think that that person it's going to have a lot of time to begin with. Steer clear of me if you need constant attention as well, I don't play that game. 

Oh, and if you're going to cause me anything that resembles work on my personal time, regardless of how much I love my job and my business, steer clear from me. You can get your free fitness advice from Google. If I offer my family or very close friends something for free, it's from my own volition, but it's never going to be because anybody is making demands on me. 👏

The good thing is, I wasn't put on this planet to make sense to anybody. And the more I have to explain myself to certain people, the less I see compatibility because the right people are going to resonate properly and very organically. 

Chase purpose and the RIGHT people will find you.

I have a very strong foundation within myself and I have a lot of work to do that. It needs a lot of solitude.

I have an impeccable health team, and I have very few friends/family that deserve their place in my life, so trust me when I say I don't need to run in packs to feel confident and happy. It's quality over quantity. I rather be "odd" or "weird" for a small circle than be used.

I'm not a codependent person, and I don't trust people that have too many friends anyway because I feel like they end up being the biggest bullies/snakes. 

I'm at a point in my life where I'm perfectly content with having very few people around. To be completely honest, that's a strong and empowering place to be. So believe me when I say I won't tolerate even the slightest distraction or extra burden during my time off—especially from so-called friends who bring work into my mind when I'm trying to disconnect, or from those who think they can come and go from my life as they please to use me. Trust me, I don't need you. I am whole on my own, genuine people are good extras (icing), not the cake.


I don't know if I'm the only one, but I just feel like too many friends takes too much time and at this point in my life I just don't have the energy and there's nothing wrong with having a small circle especially if you're able to nurture everyone in it properly.

Anyone who pushes you to be vulnerable too soon may have ulterior motives because you should be the one choosing ***your*** friends. Just because someone offers you friendship doesn’t mean you have to accept it—always trust your intuition. You should be the one assessing and vetting people, not acting out of desperation. Never settle simply because you fear being alone; you should be comfortable with or without others in your life.

People without agendas allow friendships to develop naturally. They won’t force themselves into your life, unlike those with ulterior motives who tend to rush things and push for control. There's a clear difference between genuinely showing interest in a friendship and being overly pushy—it’s not organic or natural when it feels forced.

I’m not interested in people trying to get free advice, piggybacking off my efforts, wasting my time, or subtly belittling me while asking intrusive questions right off the bat. It drains my energy, especially when there’s no mutual motivation. So, I’m not going to listen to anyone who thinks it’s strange that I prefer a small, tight-knit circle over a large social network or community when it comes to my personal life, business is a lot different but it's all done online anyway. I’ve experienced being used and ganged up on, and I know most people don’t bring what I need to the table. I’m clear on what I want and need, and if I have one or two close friends and a few trustworthy family members, that’s enough for me. I don’t care if it makes me seem weird or antisocial, or if others think I’m missing out, because my fulfilment comes from within and from pursuing my passions—not from chasing after people. Everyone’s different, so it’s best to accept that and move on. 💯

A true friend who genuinely cares about your well-being will respect the quiet time (alone time) you need to maintain it. The rest who do not respect the limits of your availability deserve nothing from you. 👏👏👏

They won’t force themselves into your life or take advantage of you because they equally value your time and energy. People like that are rare.

You won’t find me chasing friendships just to meet society’s unrealistic (and codependent) expectations at the expense of my time for health maintenance and working on my goals, especially when I don't need a large circle of friends to feel fulfilled. I don’t have the luxury of spare time with a disability, and I make no apologies for prioritizing quality over quantity in my few high-quality personal-life relationships.

Many people measure friendships by how often they meet, but that’s not realistic when you’re juggling multiple jobs and managing a disability. I refuse to waste time on clingy nonsense, and that’s why I don’t fit in with many people—something I’m perfectly content with. I’m proud of who I am, and I don’t need anyone’s approval.

I don't think it's poor treatment when you refuse to overextend yourself for people who are one-sided (it's boundaries), I think it's poor treatment to go into something with the intent of using a person (not being upfront about it and not making it a fair exchange like a leech).

If they haven't worked on themselves to the level where they can contribute genuine motivation, and inspiration to your life, then they are not on your level and you do not have to apologize for refusing to dim your light and hold yourself back for people who refuse to level themselves up and get on your level. You worked way too hard to be slowed down!

Some people will call you arrogant for not bowing down to their outdated dogma and that's OK. Those are not your people.

I'm so happy with a few friends and family and my own company that trust me when I say, I'm not desperate for random connections and people who throw themselves at me get cut off immediately.

Onto being my snobby, arrogant, and stuck-up self who knows that not everyone is safe to deal with (some hate any type of boundary) and not everyone will respect my energy - so I am careful. And anyone who thinks I should be vulnerable and naïve is obviously showing me that they are not for me so why would I want validation from people like that?

Evil would be harming others or wishing ill without remorse, being a wise steward of your resources and guarding the fences around your wellness and quiet space that render you able to function in terms of providing for yourself and focusing: that's basic personal responsibility.

Protecting your heart and your space is not evil, trying to use other people and force your way into their life is actually my definition of demonic.

My unapologetic, yet loving when warranted, authenticity, has done nothing but strengthen genuine bonds and thankfully repelled the parasites and farm animals.

Why would anyone expect someone they see as an equal, with dignity and rights, to invest in something without both parties being uplifted? And would the person who doesn’t care whether you gain anything in return do the same for you? This post isn’t about charitable giving and random acts of kindness; it’s about reciprocal relationships (that are expected to not deplete me) in my personal life.

It is possible to be content without having bouncing off the walls enthusiasm 24 / 7. You can be quiet and content at the same time. You're not anybody's entertainer, and protecting your energy comes first. Preserve that energy for the people in your inner circle first.

Being kind to the wrong people can leave you sitting on a ticking time bomb of emotional burnout. They will invade your personal recharge time, draining the peace and quiet you need as an introvert with ADHD. In the end, you'll be the one feeling depleted, drained, and used. Choose kindness, not niceness.

It's not always about getting a tangible return on investment, but rather about receiving appreciation and an energetic exchange for the time and sacrifices you make, especially for the real estate on your schedule, for those in your life. If they're not offering some form of energetic return, you'll eventually feel drained and depleted, which is unacceptable. The relationship must be reciprocal.

When you're focused on winning, you're not going to let random distractions interfere with your designated personal downtime or shift your attention back to work when it's supposed to be your time to recharge. Frankly, you have no interest in people who try to invade your space for their own gain, especially when they're being pushy and overstepping boundaries. They should explore free resources instead of pretending to be “friends” just to extract wisdom or knowledge they could easily find online without intruding on someone's personal time off for mentally recharging to show up *fully* for their craft and business when back on.

And to be very frank, I have never met a gym or home intruder that I like because they clearly cannot read the room. Those are not places I go to for socializing or making friends, I go there to relax, so don't try that with me. And if you're the one trying to get something from me because - clearly I'm not the one in initiating that connection, you should come correct.

Maintaining your business and opportunities when you have a disability requires prioritising the quality of your network over quantity, as much of your energy goes toward maintaining your baseline health and cognitive function. This is something to accept, not lament, as everyone has limits to their mental energy. If you're not protecting your time, you won't be able to think clearly, discern the right people and opportunities, or nurture your existing relationships and ventures. In fact, properly nurturing what’s already in front of you is what guarantees your future. By focusing on what truly matters, you avoid scattering your energy on speculative returns, which is often a misguided effort. You don’t need a disability to be strict about how you spend your precious time on this earth. 

Standoffishness is protection from takers and clingy lurkers who are looking for a “host” for their parasite-ism. I said what I said. My circle is under my jurisdiction, this is basic autonomy and dignity. Some take a mile when you give an inch, it’s not worth the risk.

Consideration simply means not repaying idiocy with equal stupidity or meanness, but it does not mean acquiescing. It also doesn't mean spending energy that you don't have because that's kind of silly. It isn't logistically possible to know everyone, network with everyone, or do everything. The exploiters don't pay your bills, nor are they responsible for protecting your disability/future: they just want to take something from you and your schedule in life isn't their concern.   

Part of that burnout was faking being an extrovert before data showed I am an ambivert who can form deep connections but with introverted needs for a lot of quiet and peaceful alone time to balance out. Emotional overwhelm and constant overstimulation was part of it.

Introverts need alone time to recharge and it's not something I'm going to be explaining to grown adults (this is for our mental processing). This is why we choose our circle wisely. We get to decide which segment of our lives belong to which purpose. If you think you can decide for us, you have control issues.

What's actually meant to be in your life will fit the limits of your disability, energy and schedule restraints so you're not missing anything by having sky-high spam filters.

I think control-freaks despise me because I do not want their approval or validation and I am not desperate to connect with whoever at the expense of my instincts or self-respect so they likely have incentive to paint me out to be difficult or what not and I am fine with it.

The idea that you’re not fully experiencing life unless you have a massive social circle, or constantly attend gatherings, is strange to me. First of all, I’m neurodivergent, and second, I’m not at my best if I haven’t slept well. For me to function, I need to dedicate a lot of time to basic self-care, so it makes sense that I maintain a small circle. I also prioritise building a network that can handle business through email rather than in-person meetings.

When it comes to my ADHD struggles, I prefer to consult actual experts. As much as I love my friends and family, they aren’t qualified professionals, and I don’t want to waste time discussing my challenges with them when I could be working with someone who can offer real solutions. That’s another reason I keep my circle small—I'm an internal processor. I tend to journal or exercise to process my emotions because they’re often trapped energy. I don’t seek people out to vent my problems; instead, the friends and family I keep close are fun to be around, loving, and supportive, but that’s not what I primarily need from them as I get older.

I don't evaluate bonds based on how often I see people, it's about the emotional connection and staying in touch. I don't tolerate unrealistic stress levels on my schedule when I already lose a full day a week to crash out with my ADHD. On top of that, I choose to provide for myself, so I'm not going to be explaining my schedule constraints to anyone who is not an integral part of my actual life.  

The bond is actually not very strong at all if you constantly have to be in their face. CLINGY IS A NIGHTMARE FOR INTROVERTS!

Only you live with the consequences of not being a wise steward of your limited time and energy and spending it where it doesn't belong means you can't spend it where it should be spent when you actually need it for the correct things. 👏

SOLO gym time for introverted internal processors who journal is not only normal but an oxygen mask, to qualify to be in my life, this has to be respected as sacred. I work alongside a disability and I don’t tolerate bullshit encroaching on my health from non-dependents.

Minimalist sounds better than stuck-up, but I’ll take both. Those I have been there for countless times did not bring the same value to my life. I have begun to focus on *quality*of people, I don’t tolerate groups of fake “friends” who are energy, knowledge, and time-suckers.  

I think that many want lots of people around just for the sake of it, but they're not evaluating whether those relationships are actually balanced and healthy (adding more than it is subtracting or draining) and that's the issue with going for quantity. I don't do that no more.

I am happier with a smaller circle. If I know myself and what I require to be happy, I do not give a rat’s behind what the extroverts want to push as a narrative or a measure of happiness or energy. There’s a vetting process in place for my life and it’s not a free for all.

Setting normal non-negotiable boundaries is a healthy and necessary aspect of human well-being. It doesn't involve ill intentions, wishing bad on others, etc. 

My lifelong friendships are people in different industries as me, but we all have the same mindset and we are very self-driven (motivation from within). Things in common is not enough for me. Proximity is not enough for me, I need to feel a spiritual and an emotional connection.

Being your fullest expression magnetized what’s for you and who honours you for who you are (rather than the benefits of knowing you because at this age and with a time-consuming health condition, I do not tolerate leeches). Self-preservation over f*ckery.

Those who respect you will enhance your well-being by valuing your time and honouring the limits of your availability (even if there is none). In contrast, pushy individuals are often driven by self-interest, disregarding your full schedule or existing commitments, as their demanding nature and exploitative tendencies govern their actions (they want to be central in the lives of people they just met or don’t know, sounds delusional).

I think if proximity was the only criteria for a social connection, a lot of people would end up in various places in their life that are not desirable. You will know them by their fruit.

People with disabilities need religious adherence to health routines and those allowed in their lives give them the space around those segments of their life. Wellness-affirming people encourage your space around that sphere of your life - even if it means being unavailable for additional “friends” aka takers because real ones encourage you to put health first without any hesitation or desire to take more than they have to offer. I AM NOT A FIT FOR TAKERS. 

You can't allow just anyone into your personal space without discernment—don’t be naive.

One clear sign of control-freak behaviour: you’ll be disqualified from the vetting process because I don’t tolerate control tactics in my real life.

Even the smallest pushy move or excessive nosiness right from the start gets noted as a red flag. When forceful people try to get too close, too fast, I pay attention. Discernment isn’t about being judgemental, but I have no problem being labelled the villain for exercising my basic, dignified right to autonomy over who I let into my life. And if it's in a segment of my life deemed unavailable, I am protecting my mental health and missing out on nothing as alignment precedes survival and managing existing commitments. 

If it doesn't fit the segments of your life where you're actually available, it probably means you don't have time for it. 

That's part of life.

Curiosity is genuine, phishing for information like an interrogator is a dead-giveaway to signs of an agenda and jealousy.

I don't owe anyone my non-existent spare time between multiple lanes and a time-consuming disability, so if you're intruding on my spa/gym or home time: get out. If I want more friends, I'll find them.

The secret ingredient to not having burned out in two years is to live like I'm still in recovery mode (sort of am sometimes) and it takes a ton of work and effort to manage my schedule accordingly, but worth it. I don’t pretend to have an error margin around my health.

One-sided is when you improve their life, but they don't improve yours even by their mere presence so it's actually not selfish to refuse intertwining yourself with that, it's called self-preservation when you already have enough on your plate. I don't have time for fake people.

No one has any right to bulldoze or knock over your cup before you can fill it. No one can sleep, exercise, or eat well on your behalf and a disability has requirements for basic function (not optimal, just survival). I am aware of the sacrifices required for multiple lanes.

Many don't understand how long it takes to heal trauma so trust me when I say that I'm extremely careful with who I allow into my gated personal life, I have no spare time at the onset, and in business: I deal only with a certain type of brand deal that comes correct and aligns.

Valuing a person is shown through the action of respecting their boundaries. Trying to use them for your personal gain at their expense or burden them is the definition of annihilating their ability to manage their prior commitments and needs for which they are responsible first.

A self-motivated person tends to do almost everything for themselves, making it challenging to enter their life if you have an agenda. They're unlikely to want or need anything from you, meaning they're the ones who ultimately decide whether to engage or not.

Outside of multiple lanes, I don't have time for many. Oh well.

It's a two-way street with me. And I don't make apologies for owning my mental energy limits.

I choose who “gets” to know me personally, in case that’s unclear.

There's no relationship on this planet that's going to come before my relationship with myself. If you're not my child or my dependent, then what makes you believe that you come before my health? I'm not arrogant, I have structure and order around my disability care plan.

Boundaries uncover Jezebels and opportunists. They are not interested in your wellness (mutual care for time and wellness), they want to benefit off of you and they will criticize the shade of red that you're bleeding once they're done using you. That's why my circle is closed.

My side-hustle is run strictly away from my gym time and on its own time I don't even work on my business on my phone anymore and I do not film my workouts, I have a health condition and being an entertainer didn't help it. I guard my health with bouncers. 

When it comes to the skills that utilize in my side-hustle/my knowledge, what you're going to gain for me by knowing me personally is zero as there's no squandering my limited brain power. My wisdom aside from blog posts is behind a pay wall of digital products. I don't work 1:1.

If I drop wisdom here and there in personal conversations with people that I trust, that's on me, but I don't let people into my circle who think they can just use and abuse the skills I worked hard to gain.

I think the right people are going to respect the time that you hold sacred for your basic survival and wellness and they would not encroach in the first place. They wouldn't even try. They would read the room like grown adults.

They would be like OK cool it wasn't meant to be, and they would move on, they wouldn't try to push. Pushiness is a sign of an agenda. 

If someone is not immediately showing signs of adding peace to my life, why would I spare even a hair of time on that. Nobody owes anybody entryway into their private sphere first of all, so let's please set criteria and not explain this to grown adults.

There are actual people on this planet who want to erode and annihilate your right to preferences and choices in life for their personal gain so don't ask me why I keep a small circle. I don't think that everyone is worth the risk and that's me using clear intuitive knowing.

It's an empowering stance to have a closed circle and we miss out on nothing. Logistics are already limited, why not go for quality not quantity? 🩵