Employ Discernment, Fortify Your Vision
Investment returns based on speculation are trivial, and I refuse to complicate my life for individuals outside my household whom I don't owe anything to (love all, walk with few).
Any sacrifices I make for anything will be my own choice, not to fit into the manipulative guises of con-artists who act like they're the "ultimate" ticket to your future.
Anyone who tries to modify you to their liking at your expense is infringing on your personal freedom and autonomy. As long as you harm no one and manage your obligations, you get to choose what you prioritize in your life based on your unique brain's wiring. It's that simple.
Anyone who tries to sideline your dreams for their own speculative gain is a manipulative person. They seek to dominate your life and have no respect for boundaries. These people act like "Oneness" makes them part of your household or something, despite having just met them 0.5 seconds ago. They act like having schedule, life, and time limits means you're gatekeeping something as if you didn't find it on Google yourself like they can.
They have no respect for the health of others and basic time carved for it, they think they are owed explanations for you refusing to do something like you owed it in the first place, they're difficult people you're better off without.
Anyone who tries to hijack your time away from your own mission (as if you did not exist in your own life and only existed as an extension of them) is undermining your own existence and choice in your own life, they're not looking out for you: they're a destiny and time thief.
Friends respect that you do what you can within your constraints, no one with a sound mind would expect you to abandon your vision for theirs and tell you that this is the ticket to your success. If that is the ticket to success, why don't they abandon the business that pays their right-now obligations for yours?
Why should it be at your own expense, ever? Under no circumstances except charity work or your household/dependents should you burn through mental bandwidth reserves (cut into your sacred replenishing time) for anything mis-aligned with your purpose (leeches/takers/users).
I won't elaborate on fundamental concepts for those pretending to be confused, as they're likely disguised manipulators. In such instances, it's better to establish boundaries through action (refusing to entertain nonsense) rather than explanation.
Would the one-sided people do the same for you if the roles were reversed? No. So don't over-exert yourself without mutual reciprocity unless it's a child or dependent, the leeches don't care about your mental health and punctuality with existing commitments and your schedule - just their personal gain at whatever cost to you. You will end up drained and unable to function, that is not worth it, for what, fleeting approval?
The difference between a disability and kids is that the disability will never grow old enough to take care of itself... So I avoid context-switching at all costs, I ensure every brand deal is handled 100% over email, and I stay on task so I can sleep/exercise on time.
Anyone we choose in our lives or to do business with must be screened.
We choose our circle in life and business.
Anyone who expects you to destroy your vision or own oxygen mask for their benefit and is selling you a nuisance/hindrance disguised as a dream or something useful for you when your instincts tell you it is a snare (aka MLM's), it not for you!
Whoever wants to make your focus and tending to your own obligations first (we would have time constraints no matter what path we choose in life) about them is waving a massive "not a match" red flag and doing you a favour. What could come before your mental health other than dependents?
The "means" has to match your vision and respect your principles because an end goal just for the sake of it will lead you into traps and cages (like the MLM exploitation scams because those people do not have a vision backing their pursuits and lack a moral compass).
If the end goal doesn't make sense for health or ADHD's need for fully disconnected time and limited mental energy to begin with, then I find a different remix to get there/or a similar goal, it's really important to manage our functioning first.
If you consistently meet your existing responsibilities daily, there's no need to be concerned about what lies ahead. You won't need to settle for scammers and speculative ROI.
If those with disabilities running their business on very few hours per week (not tolerating speculative ROI or things outside of their core mission and existing charity work) bothers you, try living with a disability: see how time-consuming it is, until then, mind your business.
Context-switching and scattered energy breaks the ADHD ability to do anything at all, so fewer things in a better way makes sense. I am not worried about missing out. I am interested in my long-term survival.
Require replenishment from the jump unless you have time to waste on speculative ROI (oh so selfish, I know), and always require mutual reciprocity.