Were they sorry before you walked away? Never be so thirsty to let the wrong people back in, forgiveness means peace within boundaries (or just not even re-opening that connection, and mental safety is more important than proving your lines are not grudges.

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I am super confused about how I managed to survive over a decade not knowing the severity of my disability and how much I'm unable to recover from interruptions and how protective I have to be over that relaxation and work time. But I finally know now and that's why I put functional survival and insomnia buffers before anything that isn't mission-critical. It's better to work differently than not at all.

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We need to stop confusing self-awareness/limits with a comfort zone (and knowing exactly what we want is a gift). Yes, there are different ways to grow, and I've just been growing my wellness practices and realizing that everything else is naturally going to follow alignment.

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I can do less and still crash, might as well go as far as my brain can take me while taking naps and breaks - within my scopes of course! It's ambition done in a different layout. Comfort zone and self-awareness driven stable bases that allow more adventure in other arenas and fund your dreams is actually very good for many people and I am not chasing anyone else's view of success, time freedom is luxury for ADHD as we cannot predict a brain crash.

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I have to say that I find it rather funny that I was judged my whole life for not drinking or partying. I view it as having my priorities straight and none of my priorities have time carved out for being bothered by what others choose to do with their own autonomous lives. Everyone has a different definition of fun, walking in my purpose is mine. ✨

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