The Power of Work: Thriving with a Disability

The Power of Work: Thriving with a Disability

The Power of Work: Thriving with a Disability

Living with a disability can present unique challenges, but it should never be a barrier to pursuing meaningful work. In fact, for many individuals, maintaining employment not only provides financial stability but also fosters personal growth, enhances marketability, and contributes to overall well-being. In this blog post, we'll explore why it's important to keep working if you're able to, despite facing physical or cognitive limitations.

Entrepreneurship can blur the lines between work and personal life, leading to an imbalance that exacerbates ADHD symptoms. Stable employment typically offers more predictable work hours, allowing individuals to maintain a healthier work-life balance and prevent burnout. I prefer my business on the side and fully digitized.

Financial Independence and Improved Quality of Life:

While disability insurance and other support programs can provide essential assistance, relying solely on these resources can often lead to a limited quality of life and being forced to live in dangerous conditions and parts of town!

Money can buy safety and security, there is nothing humble or noble by tricking people out of wanting the best that life has to offer and not have to struggle for basic necessities.

By actively engaging in the workforce, individuals with disabilities have the opportunity to earn a *livable* wage, affording them greater financial independence and the ability to live in more safe neighborhoods.

This financial stability opens doors to better healthcare, improved housing options, and increased access to recreational and leisure activities.

Financial wellness gives you autonomy and freedom to do life as you please and not be beholden or the "sl*ve" of a broken system and limited income which is dangerous because money is leverage over your circumstances, financial health is mental health. 

One reason I believe people with disabilities capable of working should do so is because if I were on disability insurance, they would subtract the income from my additional jobs, preventing any financial progress and perpetuating dependency. Autonomy is crucial to me, and I refuse to rely on a system that limits my income indefinitely or needing to put myself below a partner to depend on them financially which frankly would disgust me as that is opposing my value of INDEPENDENCE, hindering my ability to build security and live anywhere I choose. This arrangement seems unjust and stifling, reducing individuals to a state of limited progress and meagre rewards.

Enhanced Marketability and Skill Development:

Remaining active in the workforce also enhances one's marketability and opens doors to various career advancement opportunities. Each job undertaken adds to a person's skill set and professional experience, making them more attractive to potential employers. Additionally, maintaining employment demonstrates resilience, adaptability, and a strong work ethic – qualities that are highly valued in any industry.

I mostly focus on the results that I bring to the table because that's all I have the bandwidth for as managing a disability can be a part-time to full-time job on most days, but that's the thing, we all have different strengths and living/being different is okay.

Fostering Personal Growth and Well-Being:

For individuals with disabilities, staying busy and engaged can have profound benefits on mental and emotional well-being. Many people with conditions such as ADHD thrive when they have structured activities and tasks to focus on. Work provides a sense of purpose, structure, and accomplishment, which can significantly improve self-esteem and confidence.

Utilizing Different Parts of the Brain:

One compelling reason why some individuals choose to pursue multiple jobs, as mentioned by some with ADHD, is the opportunity to engage different parts of the brain. Variety in tasks and environments can help mitigate boredom and prevent burnout, which is particularly beneficial for those with attention-related conditions. By diversifying their work responsibilities, individuals can leverage their strengths and maintain focus, leading to greater productivity and job satisfaction.

In essence, maintaining employment while living with a disability offers numerous benefits beyond just financial security. From enhanced marketability and skill development to fostering personal growth and well-being, work plays a pivotal role in enabling individuals to lead fulfilling lives.

Money buys you more time.

More time doesn't directly buy more money.

I don't see quality of life being separate from financial wellness.

By embracing the opportunities that come with employment, people with disabilities can break free from the constraints of relying solely on meagre support programs (or reducing their dignity to rely on other people or partners) and instead, carve their path towards independence aka self-reliance as opposed to being forced into leeching or coupling up for money aka a socially acceptable form of prostitution IMHO, success, and overall happiness (money can also buy health).