Thick Skin, Baby

Thick Skin, Baby

It is OK to be unbothered by the perceptions of people who actually don't matter in your life, are not stakeholders in your life, have no sway in your direction, or who you don't even like or admire: why are people so bothered by not being liked by everyone?

To correct someone's perception of you implies you value their opinion and that it's worth your energy to do so (often, it's not), true detachment is knowing where each person belongs in the ranking of your amazing life, you'll soon realize the irrelevance of the opps because the personality police and destiny thieves will make up nonsense if they cannot find the dirt on you so you may as well live and operate in a manner that makes you happy as that energetic alignment with Source will magnetize your blessings (rather than attempting to align with wickedness).

There are few people whose opinion I genuinely value and trolls who have the time and energy to invest in trolling instead of bettering themselves, people who have no goals, people with too much spare time, and chaos orchestrators and their minions: aren't on the list.