The Impact of Unsolicited Advice on Your Choices

The Impact of Unsolicited Advice on Your Choices

Unsolicited advice often masquerades as concern but can significantly impact your life, career, and business decisions (mainly through the route of wasting your time and energy as real people "get" you without that much effort, the energy leakage of dealing with people like that is a burden when you're already low on mental bandwidth).

If you don’t question others' choices, they should extend the same respect to you. You have every right to ask "why" when someone has the audacity to try to ask questions that make you vulnerable and absolutely ask them the same in return, they should have no problem being questioned if they do it to others. 

Unsolicited advice can cause self-doubt (if you let it, it is designed to do this when it is a more intense case of someone trying to be a destiny thief or veer you off course), leading you to make decisions based on others' opinions rather than your own values (if you're weak enough to cave in, know their approval isn't needed since they're not God).

This (attempted) erosion of autonomy (your basic free will, dignity, and humanity) can hinder personal growth and satisfaction (they don't need to know your why, their understanding of your disability is also not a requirement: what they need to do is mind their own business).

In business, unsolicited opinions can lead to second-guessing and diluted visions. Entrepreneurs, in particular, need to trust their instincts to succeed, free from the noise of unrequested advice.

Keeping a small, trusted circle helps protect against unsolicited advice. It ensures that feedback is well-intentioned, wanted, and respects your autonomy.

Having to justify your lifestyle choices to others is infantilizing and erodes autonomy.

Genuine curiosity fosters connection, but control tactics undermine confidence and harm relationships (they need to knock you down from the main character seat in your life so that you'll be vulnerable enough to follow their unwanted lead in matters that are none of their business).

Control freaks often have hidden motives behind their opinions, but none of what they comment on is under their jurisdiction. You do not owe them answers.

Avoid control-freaks for your peace of mind and to save you time.

Respect others' autonomy and expect the same in return.

By maintaining a trusted circle and asserting your right to make your own choices (intruders who mask it as an attempt to connect know exactly what they're doing), you can foster healthier, more respectful connections (worth your time).

Genuine guidance (when requested) allows the final choice to be yours and it is different than control-freaks masquerading as concerned which is a way to justify their invasions of your privacy and autonomy (this hides their controlling ploys).

You do not need to waste your time listening to unwanted advice that only you can choose if you need or not based on your chosen vision to make someone else's inflated ego feel good about themselves (especially if you did not ask them or they're not an expert). 

Genuine people want you empowered (they encourage you to trust yourself as you should, they're not in your shoes and even having to reveal your personal considerations can be an invasion of your autonomy as they can later use that against you or as ammunition against your objections if this about closing a sale), not subservient to their mis-guidance of your path and choices.