Reality Check!

Reality Check!


I love my lanes, I am simply sharing insight for those who don't have this luxury and need advocacy.

It's never the issue of a severely disabled person that a role isn't able to be accommodated to full-on Telework permanently, that's a role-specific problem: the onus is not on us to suddenly cure a chronic impairing HEALTH condition for the in-adaptability of some role (that's the a case of the undue hardship thresh-hold getting tested, you can't grow your legs back if you're an amputee, and you can't suddenly step out of your "mental wheelchair" if you have something like severe ADHD as you're the one with a medical condition and if the inconvenience caused by it is one where they can't respect a baseline medical requirement of yours, then they should admit that they can't adapt the work location to remote and that's that).

Again, my lanes are good, I am sharing insight for those who are even *thinking* of pretending that a severe health condition has no core baseline accommodations. It does not get "cured" suddenly. That's unrealistic.

We don't have to apologize for our baseline health conditions.

If a role or workplace is not accessible or workable in a Telework manner that is neurodiversity-supporting, that's fine, but let's not delude ourselves with the idea that medication is a cure.

Medication stops ADHD from becoming a burnout or full-on anxiety sh*t-storm, it does not change the condition or symptoms but stops the escalation from occurring rather.

We need to view core accommodations as person-specific, not just job-specific (even if the ability to accommodate does have something to do with the type of work).

If it a person who needs Telework and the role can't be changed to suit that method, that's fine, but let's not expect disabilities to suddenly disappear on the heels of non-adaptable roles. 

You don't need Telework one day and then suddenly your ADHD disappears the next day and you no longer need it, a *mental wheelchair* isn't a "compromise-able" thing, it's an actual requirement. I am glad I don't have the issue of needing to explain this, but sadly some still do.

*My* situation is GOOD, I am sharing this knowledge for the perpetually weakened, silenced, less courageous who allow the deceitful of the world to trick them out of what they have a right to (provided it is earned and a two-way exchange). Lots of people don't know their rights which kind of sickens me as they're often taken for a ride of trickery.

Accommodations have been treated as a "condition of employment" in many cases.

Your disability may make you more vulnerable, but it doesn't make you unaware. I wish more of us actually read caselaw and educated ourselves so we aren't sold short health-wise.

A disability requirement is not a comfort-zone, it is an oxygen mask.

IMHO: Remote work solves 99.9% of my ADHD. I would HAPPILY refuse any role with any in-person requirements even if it was interesting and paid more, my health is my priority and I rather have a Telework role that I enjoy. That's a non-negotiable for me. 

I am simply explaining the concept of "irrevocable" level accommodations in the absence of medical information to the contrary vs. "flexible" parts of an accommodation to the general public as depending on the severity, it can be viewed as a condition of employment and we know where a breach of it would lead.

My situation is FABULOUS and I am blessed, but we still have a widespread problem where permanent accommodations are treated as temporary by some places or "as long as it's convenient" which is a way to trick someone out of their rightful accommodations and I hear a lot about that on Twitter among the disabled community so I do not like to see people being taken for a fool and their time wasted and their health destroyed in the process (no one has energy, time, or mental space for that type of nonsense) so hopefully this insight helps people understand the difference between "core" vs. "flexible" parts of an accommodation... 

The tolerance or intolerance of a specific working condition that could destroy a person's health is entirely up to them - and medication/treatment is not a cure so the disability is either accepted/understood, or it isn't, but putting the onus on a severely disabled person to suddenly grow their legs back or change their wiring overnight (defeats the purpose of a mental wheelchair) is a concept that needs to die because I have no patience for it.


Sustainability, how it fits your wiring and so on... rather than earning potential and YTD pay is long-term thinking. I am not worried about an extra few thousands, I am worried about ADHD and stability via Telework. 

The definition of "glamorous" of anyone who doesn't live with the consequences of my decisions for my life's direction doesn't sway me and I don't know if caring less than I care is even possible as I care at a 0% rate (if any less than that would be possible, it would reflect zero F's given).