They took my name to promote casino and salacious scams. Google has helped me and it has been reported to other authorities; however, if you know anything about this, please reach out over e-mail as I would love to know who is behind this. 1. DETECTION URL DOMAIN REGISTRATION E-MAIL DOMAIN AGE Current: 87 days DOMAIN REGISTRAR NameCheap, Inc. SSL ISSUER Let's Encrypt WHOIS RENEW DATE 2024-07-03 WHOIS REGISTRATION DATE 2023-07-03 DOMAIN REGISTRATION COUNTRY IS Server IP info IP COUNTRY DE NAME OF ORGANIZATION Hetzner Online GmbH 2.  Raw Whois Data Domain Name: Registry Domain ID:...

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Private time "off the clock" means you care about your health first, above business/work so that you can function. Anyone mad they can't take advantage of your time off or designated private time to try and gain access to that time that is yours alone is a user. Appreciating the business that pays you is shown during business hours.  I'm not in business development mode 24/7 and I don't view everything as a networking opportunity, I view my personal time as a guardrail to mentally recharge so that I can show up during my business hours fully refreshed (less is...

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The idea of simply "making time" is often considered a myth because essential activities like sleep, self-care, and exercise can't be outsourced or condensed. Pressuring oneself to fit in more than is realistically possible can lead to burnout and neglect of one's vital needs (for which we are responsible first as no one who respects you as a person will promote the concept of self-sacrifice especially for anything outside your own household first, that would be completely illogical). If you can't pay for it in full, you can't afford it, if you don't have spare time for it, you can't...

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There is nothing wrong with wanting to use amenities in peace and quiet, especially if you are respecting the space and time of others. As long as you're not bothering others, you don't actually owe them your recharge time. I would argue that what is rude is trying to make demands on the time of strangers who you know nothing about and you have no idea what kind of day they're having. What is rude is trying to impose yourself in the lives of others who you don't know. You're not obligated to be an open door for anybody. You have...

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No one is living in the past when they are taking the lessons with them and understanding that not everyone can be with you in the future, you can love them deeply, but that doesn't mean that the bond was healthy or that you have mental space to rebuild every single bond either. It's also important to mention that forgiveness does not mean that you have to rebuild or reconcile, or that you're at a place in your life where you even have the headspace. It shouldn't cost you the conditions to your mental health. Life is too short to...

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