Confidently focusing on my priorities in life is only personalized by people with disdain for boundaries, I am not doing harm, evil, or bothering anyone or acting better than: I am managing my responsibilities and ensuring my life is fulfilling. I am not comparing myself either. I'm fiercely protective of the person I've become. It required significant mental, emotional, and spiritual effort to reach this point. So, if it seems like I hold myself to high standards with respect to what I partake in: be it people, situations, events, or conversations, it's because I do. I won't be fooled twice.


Dangerously Trying To Send Fake Friends My Way? While expanding our network can be enriching when it is consensual, it's essential to remain vigilant against those who feign concern to infiltrate our lives for their own agenda. Here's why trusting our instincts and maintaining a small, authentic circle is crucial in safeguarding our well-being: The Deception of Fake Concern: There are individuals who cunningly disguise their ulterior motives under the guise of caring for our well-being. These people were not screened and even if deemed safe, they clearly didn't make it through my screening criteria! The con-artists may send acquaintances...


Many individuals grapple with two common yet debilitating conditions: insomnia and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). While seemingly distinct, these conditions share a surprising connection: the profound impact of physical fitness on their management. Let’s delve into why engaging in regular exercise isn’t contradictory but rather complementary in alleviating both insomnia and ADHD.The Insomnia-Exercise Connection:Insomnia, characterized by difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, can wreak havoc on one’s physical and mental well-being. The relationship between exercise and improved sleep quality is well-documented. Physical activity helps regulate circadian rhythms, reduces stress hormones, and promotes relaxation, all of which are conducive to...


Whether it's hitting the gym by yourself (and no one has a right to judge you for your alone time needs), indulging in a hobby, or simply basking in the tranquility of our own homes, carving out moments for ourselves is essential for maintaining our well-being.But why is it so crucial to safeguard this time? The answer lies in the significance of mental recharge time. Just like our smartphones need to be plugged in to recharge their batteries, our minds require moments of solitude and relaxation to rejuvenate. Whether it's through physical activity, creative expression, or quiet introspection, these moments...


In today's digital age, public figures and individuals with an online persona often find themselves walking a tightrope between sharing their lives with their audience and maintaining their personal privacy. While they may choose to engage with their followers and fans on social media platforms, it's essential to remember that they are entitled to boundaries and respect for their personal lives.First and foremost, public figures are human beings with emotions, families, and personal lives outside of their public personas. Just because they have chosen to share aspects of their lives online does not mean that they have forfeited their right...
