Mental Wheelchair

Mental Wheelchair

You have to respect your limits because you know you can navigate those things if it was necessary, but it's actually not crucial or critical to your survival so you can avoid the things that trigger you into burnouts because that's what self-respect is about. That's what a disability wheelchair is about.

Life has enough natural challenges, why create more struggle for no reason? 

Whether or not you can manage your energy and all of that doesn't matter when you have a severe disability that requires a tranquil and controlled environment, it seems very conditional because it is. You shouldn't have to prove your evolution or resilience via testing through pointless chaos, ease is the new norm.

Respecting your goals and means (saving and earning more: both) is reality, not scarcity, you can be "abundant" within responsible parameters. Nothing gets magnetized to you if you're over-exerting time, energy, and money. You can be abundance-minded and use your brain at once.