Navigating Stability and Growth: A Personal Journey with ADHD

Navigating Stability and Growth: A Personal Journey with ADHD

In a world that often glorifies stepping out of one's comfort zone, it's crucial to recognize that for individuals with ADHD, stability and self-awareness aren't synonymous with complacency. Rather, they serve as cornerstones for navigating the complexities of daily life.

Living with ADHD comes with its unique set of challenges, one of which is the need for a certain level of order and stability. Contrary to popular belief, this isn't about shying away from new experiences; it's about creating an environment conducive to managing the symptoms of ADHD effectively.

For many, myself included, stability isn't just a preference; it's a necessity for maintaining mental well-being. This means understanding our boundaries and respecting them, not out of fear or resistance to change, but out of self-respect and self-preservation.

The pressure to conform to societal norms, like traveling to expand horizons or constantly seeking new experiences, can be overwhelming. However, it's essential to recognize that growth and learning aren't confined to physical travel or extravagant adventures. In today's digital age, knowledge is accessible from anywhere, and opportunities for personal and professional development abound, often at little to no cost.

I am very happy with a peaceful life especially with ADHD and if I want adventure, I can take a course on the side, a quick little trip, increase my weight-load at the gym. I accepted the fact that with a life-limiting learning/cognitive disability (ADHD), my life isn't going to be like everyone else. I find the addition of a side-hustle that can be scaled back whenever is also good for me, but the baseline is stable and predictable (with flexible hours).

Expansion that respects your well-being will not cause you time or energetic debt (stress that is pointless isn't the same as good stress) and it's not going to put you in a situation that is not conducive to your mental health. The considerations are different when you have a permanent and severe disability.

Expanding anything, including your business, should not cost you self-care either.

For individuals with disabilities, including ADHD, the traditional notion of pushing boundaries may look different. Continuing to work, managing daily tasks, and prioritizing self-care can already push us beyond our comfort zones. It's about finding balance and understanding that growth doesn't always mean upheaval.

Knowing what we want and need isn't a sign of weakness or stagnation; it's a blessing. It's about honoring our unique paths and acknowledging that what works for others may not work for us. By recognizing and embracing our preferences and values, we empower ourselves to live authentically and sustainably.

Expanding our minds doesn't require abandoning stability (if our minds are already racing and hard to shut off, we really don't benefit from a chaotic life with needless upheaval and uprooting); it's about finding ways to challenge ourselves within the parameters that support our well-being.

Respecting our limits, need for quiet processing time and need for less stimulation, doesn't lack ambition or growth mindsets, it's how we survive with a severe disability (we do ambition our own way, we do adventure our own way, and why does adventure need to stem from an otherwise stable baseline, nothing good is built off of upheaval in my opinion).

The moment the diagnosis was updated, I knew my life would be different than everyone else's and my career would not be linear. I need a strong grasp on the scope and predictable working hours - with flexible layouts, that's only possible for unique roles.

For some, this may involve pursuing side-hustles or self-directed side-learning opportunities (that we can scale back at anytime without notice as most can be built online and drop-shipping requires no inventory), all while maintaining a baseline of stability that allows for growth without sacrificing mental health or contingency planning like responsible adults not just chasing highs at the expense of financial stability.

In a world full of noise and external pressures, it's easy to lose sight of our own voices and needs. However, true wisdom lies in listening to ourselves and seeking counsel from those who understand and respect our unique journey.

Whether it's a trusted medical practitioner or a mentor who shares our values, surrounding ourselves with supportive individuals can provide invaluable guidance as we navigate life with ADHD.

Ultimately, there's no one-size-fits-all approach to living with ADHD or any other neurodiversity.

Each of us must forge our path, guided by self-awareness, self-respect, and a deep understanding of our own needs and limitations (limitations are to be respected, point-blank-period).

Get your "adventure" from painting, running, side-hustles... No need to mess with a baseline to prove to the world that you're ambitious or "too cool" for a baseline which for a disability, is self-respect not comfort zone: it's knowing what I want and protecting it.

I lose a full "sleep catch-up" day per week, why would I have time to mess with my baseline? 🧐

I am not everyone's cup of tea and neither is a 100% business but what makes them think a person with a disability who already gives free value on social media, has their own fundraiser, and builds online plans for the dedicated cares what they think about their time off-limits?

By staying true to ourselves and confidently rejecting arbitrary "be everywhere and do more - but who cares if you burnout at least you're doing more" societal pressures that don't align with our values, we honour our journey and pave the way for meaningful growth and fulfillment for our *unique* mental wiring. 

It's about embracing, accepting, and working with your logistical and cognitive limitations rather than against them - and once you embrace that, you're able to tweak your craft and business to a method that allows your best contribution sustainably.

Reducing overall activity to focus only on the necessary things has sped up every goal in my life overall and I would not have worked with Forbes, Adobe Express, and other brands if I had not protected my peace.

That's essentialism.