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Top myths about eating well that I think are restrictive and can be very misleading if taken at face-value:1. All carbs are bad.2. Eating well is time-consuming.3. Eating well is expensive.4. Eating well means no fun foods.Not entirely true, if at all.- Complex carbs are slower digesting, simple carbs are fast-digesting, use both based on goals. Complex carbs do have a better nutritional profile; however, fast-digesting carbs have a place in one's diet especially for body-building or when consciously consumed.- Meal-prepping saves time and mental energy, so you can focus your brainpower on actual decisions and automate (for the most...

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What are you done experiencing and what do you want to experience more of in your lifetime? There are things in life that just don’t serve us - and we may never want to feel or do again.  And then some things allow us to grow and create happiness - and we want to experience them more. I challenge you to get a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle.  On the left side, make a list of things that you’ve had enough of doing in this lifetime. Examples of things that don’t really serve a purpose...

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Motivation for you... Here is something you may not know about me... my biggest motivation behind building a business is: a legacy, making an impact, and having the ability to give back. Who and what motivates you? Knowing your why is important!

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