This was too long for a social media post, so blog post it is! I panicked yesterday when I started to feel dizzy/day time somnolence and I didn’t want a repeat of what happened 3 months ago with head zaps. I actually started Strattera a week and a half ago almost, but I did not get side effects until the day before yesterday, which was weird. I gave it another few days and the side effects are waning. Finally my Straterra (ADHD) and Fetzima (anxiety) combo is working almost glitch-free. The ADHD was first diagnosed during Uni, I somehow forgot...

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Let’s address the effects of chronic sleep and stress and look into solutions, shall we? Sleep  Chronic lack of sleep spans much further than simply feeling a bit sluggish the next day: Appetite problems: lack of hunger during the morning/daytime and insatiable hunger in the evenings. Loss of willpower: feeling demotivated and giving into cravings. Emotional eating: existing emotional eating is heightened.  Problems with memory: issues recalling knowledge and retaining new knowledge.  Slowed reaction time: this is akin to driving drunk.  Lowered physical performance: day-to-day walking and workouts are harder to perform. Unstable mood: mood swings and irritability. Here are...

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No wellness routine is complete without essential oils, period. My favourite essential oils ritual is to diffuse them in the morning and at night, which essentially prepares me for that specific segment of my life and sets the atmosphere for intentions at the start of the day, and gratitude at the end of the day. What also helps with my mental health in general is that essential oils from pure and natural sources truly have an effect on the senses. It's an entire experience and feels like a spa.  Not only do essential oils help me relax, they help my muscles...

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1. Correct form and listening to your body:  It’s not about lifting insanely heavy right away, it is about lifting correctly.  Adapt each movement to your physical capacity, it is highly recommended that you listen to your body.  Every exercise can be made to fit your needs. 2. Pre-workout nutrition: As for pre-workout nutrition, a fast-digesting carb and possibly caffeine can be helpful. It is best to have some sort of pre-workout snack and avoid fasted workouts, unless you are a competitor or fit pro and have experience with fasted workouts. Please do not forget to hydrate as well! 3. Protein: ...

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INGREDIENTS 3 Eggs (or egg replacements, substituting ingredients would naturally change the nutritional value breakdown below) 1/2 Cup of Spinach 1 Small Tomato 1 Tbsp of Fresh Basil 1 Tbsp of Coconut Oil   NUTRITIONAL VALUE Fat: 29 g Carbs: 5 g Protein: 20 g Total Calories: 360 Calories   DIRECTIONS Preheat the oven at 350F/175C. Coat a muffin tray with coconut oil to avoid sticking. Whisk together the 3 eggs. Chop the spinach, basil and tomatoes. Pour the egg mixture into the muffin cups. Then add a little bit of the vegetable mixture in each cup leaving about 1...

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