ATP Lab's Iso Whey Protein Isolate Pure Vanilla Review
With IBS, I have a hard time finding whey protein that works for me. ATP Lab's Iso Whey Protein Isolate in the Pure Vanilla flavor stands out as a true game-changer. That said, everyone has their own different needs/ health conditions, here are some features to help you make your own informed decision (while filtering it through your own unique dietary needs):1. Exceptional Purity and Quality:ATP Lab Iso Whey Protein Isolate sets the bar high when it comes to purity and quality. It is made from premium-grade whey protein isolate, ensuring that you receive a product free from unnecessary fillers, additives,...
The Difference Between Complete and Incomplete Proteins
What is the difference between complete and incomplete proteins? Both are good sources of protein for muscle growth, maintenance, and recovery, as long as enough is consumed. A complete protein contains all nine amino acids and an incomplete protein does not contain all nine. Animal-based foods (complete protein) contain all nine amino acids and plant-based foods (incomplete protein) usually lack one or more of the amino acids. This simply means that more plant-based foods are usually needed to achieve the same amount of protein as animal-based foods would, but both types are viable options. Protein powder contains roughly 18-25 grams...
You've Been Lied To
You've been lied to. You don't have to make every meal from scratch to be healthy. Nutrition on the go is VERY possible. We don't need more impossible and downright ridiculous standards to live up to, we just need to learn how to make good choices while super busy. I don't like it when people feel bad for not cooking from scratch every single night after a super long day, like we don't need two full-time jobs do we? We absolutely don't. We can navigate the world while we are busy and make good choices on the go and plan...
Inflexibility or Clarity?
Honouring the basics of your baseline of health, recharge time un-interrupted, your existing commitments/ quality control is missing out on nothing as anything meant for you will fit seamlessly. The “means” has to fit *your* daily vision, speculative ROI is a trap and not real. Even if it was real ROI, the cost has to be worth it for you. Constraints are inflexible? But is burnout better? No. I cannot be "missing out" on anything meant for me. Inflexible bed time and health regimes will be my trademarks. I am not interested in showing "open-mindedness" as if something that I...
Reality Check
Does passion mean burnout is impossible? No. I want to clear up the fantasy idea that something being a “passion” or “your own business” means you don’t need a break from it. This is false. This hustle culture rhetoric is pervasive. When I take time off, it’s from everything. I may still blog, but that’s minimal. My burnout was medically driven; however, I did stall all operations at the time and focused on my mental health. I maybe wrote a blog once a month and everything else online was automated from months prior... So no, passion levels have nothing to...