Personalized Fitness and Nutrition Made Easy: Game-Changing Findings from EasyDNA

Personalized Fitness and Nutrition Made Easy: Game-Changing Findings from EasyDNA

I took the EasyDNA Diet and Nutrition DNA Test (which covers weight loss, nutrition, and fitness) to enhance and optimize my health routines and gain more insight, and since I’m familiar with my body and regularly monitor my blood work, the results from the oral swab test aligned with my most recent blood tests, confirming the accuracy of their testing.

Their report has provided me with a highly insightful understanding of how my body responds to exercise and nutrition, which is essential for someone like me who needs high levels of physical exertion to stay focused and calibrate my mind. 

Due to my ADHD, I’ve always known I require more activity than most, and this report confirms that my body has a high tolerance for physical exercise, with a slower response to fatigue from physical exertion.

The analysis investigated which genotype for each of the six genes was present in my DNA. 

EasyDNA's rating of either low, below average, or normal reflects whether my genotypes included those associated with a risk of reduced weight loss ability. 

Summary of Test Results and Findings:

1. Cardiovascular Exercise:

The suggestion of moderate to vigorous intensity cardio five or more days a week fits perfectly with my lifestyle. I need a minimum of 300 minutes per week, and longer endurance activities, like running or biking, are recommended for greater results. This aligns with my experience, as I’ve always felt that endurance workouts bring out the best in me.

2. Strength Training:

The recommendation to lift weights at least three times a week using challenging weights also fits my current routine. Incorporating power training with heavier weights, doing 1-3 sets of 5-8 reps, is something I’ve already been doing and find very effective. Since my tolerance for exercise is high, pushing myself with heavier loads feels natural, especially when my body craves more intensity.

3. Endurance Focus:

My genotype shows I would benefit from moderate-intensity endurance workouts, and I’ve always noticed that longer, sustained cardio sessions give me the best results. Starting with 20-30 minutes and working up to 60-90 minutes fits my goal of improving endurance, and according to the test, I’m a great candidate training for a charity race or marathon.

4. Power Training:

I find power training—using heavier weights for fewer reps—energizing and necessary to keep my workouts challenging. The recommendation to build up a strength base before diving into power training is something I already follow, and I’m careful to give myself proper recovery between these intense sessions (as recommended in the report).

5. Nutritional Findings:

The report also revealed that I’m low in B12 and vitamin D, which I plan on supplementing. I’m especially focused on increasing my vitamin D intake because, due to my ADHD medication, I have a low tolerance for heat exposure, making it difficult to get enough sunlight naturally. 

Supplementing will help me maintain my energy levels without the need for extended sun exposure.

This analysis has confirmed much of what I know about my body’s needs and provided useful guidelines to improve my fitness and nutrition, especially considering my unique requirements due to ADHD.

The report also provides a customized meal plan and exercise plan, which is impressive. Any nutrient deficiency is coupled with food sources to meet those deficiencies.  

The EasyDNA Diet and Nutrition DNA Test is a game-changer for those tired of guessing what diet and workout plans work best for their body. With just a simple mouth swab, you gain personalized insights into your unique biomechanics, eliminating the need for trial and error. 

This test allows you to tailor your fitness and nutrition plans based on your DNA, ensuring that you're making informed choices that align with your body's needs.

I strongly believe that any fitness and nutrition plan that doesn’t consider your unique biomechanics and nutritional needs can be much less effective.

If you're looking to optimize your health journey, this DNA test provides precise, personalized guidance in the form of an outstanding and detailed report to help you reach your goals more efficiently. 

The EasyDNA Diet and Nutrition DNA Test is a game-changer, go the EasyDNA route.