In a world that often emphasizes conformity and standardized thinking, it's crucial to recognize the value of neurodivergence. Rather than viewing differences in brain function as "bugs," we should appreciate them as unique features that contribute to the diversity of human experience. This blog post delves into the concept of neurodivergence, highlighting how those who are often misunderstood or even despised have made some of the most groundbreaking innovations in history. We'll focus on figures like Richard Branson and explore how embracing our differences, particularly in the context of ADHD and neurodivergence, can lead to incredible creativity and progress. The...

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This is not a sponsored post, MyFitnessPal is simply my holy grail and I share my love for it with you. This applies to fat loss, muscle gain, or both.  If keto works it's because the butter, cow brains, and bacon is making you very satiated so you don't over-eat and intermittent fasting also restricts your eating window so you don't over-eat, this all causes a calorie deficit, which is what is required to lose fat. What I'm trying to say without ranting lol: is that it doesn't matter what diet you decide to stick with, every diet has a calorie deficit...

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Ultra-processed food and processed food are two categories that describe different levels of food processing. While both undergo some form of processing, there are distinct differences between the two. Processed food generally refers to any food item that has undergone some level of alteration from its natural state. This can include washing, cutting, cooking, canning, freezing, or adding preservatives, colorings, and flavor enhancers. Examples of processed foods include canned vegetables, frozen dinners, and packaged snacks. Processing can help improve shelf life, convenience, and taste, but it may also involve the addition of additives or the loss of certain nutrients.Ultra-processed food, on...

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Given that I am putting more time into nutrition for my ADHD and can't schedule the gym into my life as easily, so I have had to adapt. I am now adding mini-bands from Synergee to my squats, overhead lifts, and Pilates and these things saved my home workouts from getting too boring and allowed progressive overload in a different way. These bands are versatile and suitable for home-gym-ers and for those who train in the gym (suitable for all levels). Bands are low-impact yet offer great resistance training which is also why they are often used in physiotherapy settings. ...

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I personally deal with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and ADHD, and I've discovered certain foods that have positively impacted my cognition and overall management of gut bacteria. It's important to note that these are specific to my needs and may not be suitable for everyone. Norepinephrine is the main deficiency for ADHD and it is a neurotransmitter that plays a crucial role in various functions in the body, including mood regulation, attention, and stress response. While there isn't a specific diet to directly address norepinephrine deficiency innately, those with ADHD could benefit from adopting a balanced diet that supports overall brain...

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