This post is intended for general consumer inspiration and entertainment only and does not replace medical advice. I am very passionate about dismantling myths and ensuring that people who are simply trying to improve their health do not get scammed by these shady products. Why are they still on the market? The rules are easy to circumvent with vague labels. What are diuretics? “Diuretic: A drug that eases the heart’s workload and decreases the buildup of fluid in the lungs and other parts of the body by promoting the excretion of water and salts.” (Medical Dictionary of Health Terms — Here...

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This is simply me sharing what works for me to inspire others who may be looking for weekend productivity tips. Since time is limited, I put structure in place to keep myself on track. Habit 1: I write down a list of priorities, even if weekends are a little more relaxed, goals should be written (be it sales, self-care, home improvement, whatever it may be). I am not saying to not take breaks or that I do not take breaks, but writing your goals down makes them promises, not simply vague ideas. Goals are promises I keep to myself. If...

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1. Stay within your abilities and only gradually increase the challenge over some time:Ego lifting is pointless if it causes an injury that stops you from training for weeks!Choose a fitness routine that is well within your range of abilities, while adding manageable levels of challenge. The key is to start where you are and keep it sustainable long term.We all know the feeling of lifting or doing any exercise with the incorrect form! It isn't worth lifting heavier or over-working certain muscle groups if the correct form is not being used. Of course, part of injury prevention is using...

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While protein does not cause kidney issues, it is debatable whether having a high-protein diet can exacerbate existing kidney issues, so this post is written for those without pre-existing kidney issues or all other conditions that can be exacerbated by a high-protein diet. I will not list out the recommended daily amount of protein for each activity level in this post, as it varies; however, most people do not focus on protein enough. REASONS TO PRIORITIZE PROTEIN: 1. Protein increases NEAT. NEAT stands for non-exercise activity thermogenesis (calories burned through movement outside of structured exercise). 2. Protein increases satiety. It keeps you feeling...

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It is way better to not go to sleep hungry, but the right portions/choices matter! That being said, calories consumed before bed are not worth more than calories consumed at any other time! I am not out here promoting dieting necessarily, but I also would prefer we all stay on track with health goals, and outside of treat meals, I promote a focus on HIGH protein at every meal or snack + fiber when possible. I am talking about fat loss in this post, not eating healthy in general, there is a difference in focus based on goals. Eating for...

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