3 Reasons I Love Swimming!
1. Meditation: This one is a bit obvious, but it is not only through the actual movement, but the mind-body connection. The meditative effects of swimming also stem from the fact that the water itself is relaxing. 2. Compound movement: Swimming combines the use of your legs, arms, and core! It also combines endurance, cardio, and resistance. 3. Heart health: Swimming increases your heart rate without feeling like you did as much work as you actually did. I cannot think of anything more important than your health, it sustains your business, life, and relationships. I hope this post inspires your...
Interview With Jenny B.: My Husband's Affair Was The Most Unexpected Gift
What made you start your business? The seeds of becoming an entrepreneur were planted in my heart during my early twenties, when I first read Tim Ferris’s book Four Hour Work Week. And while I dabbled here and there with a few ideas, but I ultimately chose the standard route of getting my degree and getting a corporate job. The problem was that I never truly felt satisfied in any position that I held. Add to this, I then discovered my husband of 7 years was cheating on me and that made me question EVERYTHING about my life. I was working...
What Makes You Think You Can't Handle It?
Have you ever surprised yourself after a stressful time or situation in your life? How did you handle it? So what makes you think you cannot handle it this time around? The only way to increase your muscle mass is to lift heavier, same with your stress tolerance - test your limits. Not saying not to take breaks, etc. but we never know how much we can do / handle / accomplish until we push ourselves. Muscle is built by breaking down muscle tissue, mindset is built by adopting a positive attitude towards challenges. With an abundance mindset, as our...
Guest Interview: The Holistic Approach With Amy Fiedler
What made you start your business? I worked in fashion and wardrobe styling after college in NYC and eventually started a clothing company of my own years later, but it wasn't bringing me joy or fulfillment. I was naturally good at fashion, but ultimately wanted to be happy with the work I chose. I was always working on myself mentally, emotionally and spiritually, regardless of what type of 'work' I was getting paid to do. I made a decision one day to dissolve my clothing company after having been in business for 6 years and sat down to get honest...