The Power of Work: Thriving with a Disability Living with a disability can present unique challenges, but it should never be a barrier to pursuing meaningful work. In fact, for many individuals, maintaining employment not only provides financial stability but also fosters personal growth, enhances marketability, and contributes to overall well-being. In this blog post, we'll explore why it's important to keep working if you're able to, despite facing physical or cognitive limitations. Entrepreneurship can blur the lines between work and personal life, leading to an imbalance that exacerbates ADHD symptoms. Stable employment typically offers more predictable work hours, allowing...

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In a world where connections are easily forged with the click of a button, the concept of trust has become more vital than ever. We navigate through life encountering countless individuals, each with their own agenda and intentions. In this digital age, where personal and professional boundaries often blur, the importance of gating one's life, and screening those who enter, cannot be overstated. Why? Because trust is earned, and boundaries are the cornerstone of personal responsibility and self-preservation.Trust is Earned, Not GivenTrust is a fragile commodity, built over time through consistent actions and genuine intentions. It's not something to be...

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Not one iota of my self-worth depends on how anyone chooses to view the decisions I made around who gets to stay in my life and who does not, we have to prioritize our own mental wellness and I had my reasons. But trying to snake their way back in is beyond intrusive. And based on recent events and a combination of f***ery leading up to this post, I made the right decisions and this all confirmed why I wanted to 100% provide for myself, secure my livelihood, secure my ability to self-sustain as best as I can so I...

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In the pursuit of attempting to destroy my stability and hard earned blessings, they did not realize the pit they dug for themselves (be it identity thieves or those IRL ones who think their mischief was not captured). I am leaving it all to the karmic justice system (while taking all possible measures to protect myself). Those who did what they did : malware on my phone, identity theft, sent fake "friends" who asked pointed questions with such *abnormal* insistence on infiltrating my life (sustained persistence despite my ongoing disinterest which doesn't need to be expressed verbally if you do...

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In an era of unpredictability and rapid change, lean operations emerge as a beacon of resilience. As businesses navigate through uncertain times, the principles of lean management provide a sturdy foundation for survival and growth. Here’s why lean operations are not just equipped to withstand stress tests but are positioned to thrive amidst them:Efficiency in Resource Allocation: Lean operations prioritize the efficient allocation of resources, minimizing waste and optimizing processes through automation. By streamlining workflows and eliminating unnecessary steps, businesses can operate with leaner budgets and adapt more readily to fluctuations in demand or supply chain disruptions.Agile Response to Market...

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